The government, nonprofit organizations, insurance companies and individuals around the country are taking up the standard to raise awareness on risks associated with distracted driving during the month of April. We believe in this effort just as strongly as you do, so we wanted to give you some tips that can keep you safe. Who knows – these tips might also just save you money on your car insurance.
Tasks to Avoid While Driving
According to research completed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving was the cause of 3,331 deaths and 387,000 injuries in 2011. These numbers are up from 2010, and it appears they are continuing to rise.
Don’t become part of these numbers. Take the pledge to end distracted driving and then start taking these steps while you drive:
- Don’t go for that fry. If you get fast food, eat it while you’re in the parking lot or wait until you get home. It’s as simple as that.
- Leave that radio dial where it is. Don’t try to channel surf while you’re driving. Even looking away for just one second to find the dial can cause a fatal accident.
- Do your grooming at home. If you’re running late for work or school, do not make up for it by brushing your hair or putting on your makeup while you drive. Either take an extra few minutes before you leave the house or make a quick trip to the bathroom when you get to your destination.
- Keep your phone in your purse, backpack or coat pocket. Out of sight, out of mind. Seriously. Don’t text, don’t answer calls, don’t check your email and don’t tweet. Not only will this potentially save your life, it will keep you from getting pulled over, since using a cell phone while driving is against the law in Wisconsin.
While you cannot hope to eliminate every distraction, you can take these and other simple steps to keep you and everyone else safe on the road.
Safe Driving Increases Auto Insurance Discount Options
Driving safely not only helps you protect your life and those of others, but it also gets you access to great auto insurance discounts. Most companies offer a safe driver discount, and several others also provide discounts or other incentives for taking safe driving courses.
If you’ve already pledged to drive safely, tell us why you’ve taken the pledge on our Facebook page.