Happy new year! This early in January you may still be committed to the new year’s resolution you made. What is it this year? How long can you follow your plan?
Here’s a resolution you can keep. Make this the year you create a home inventory. Then you will be prepared with photos of your home and its contents in case you need to file a homeowners insurance claim. Which is not to say anything will ever happen!
That’s because homeowners tend to be an optimistic bunch. No matter what the disaster, it won’t happen to them. Customers we’ve had at Reis Agency over the years have maintained time and again that it won’t happen to them. Until it does. The "it" in this case being a calamity—big or small—that causes them to make an urgent call to our River Falls office and file a claim.
Catastrophe often comes from a burst washing machine hose or an unattended burning candle. Little issues that get bigger quickly and become a homeowners insurance claim before you can say, “How did this happen?!” If that should happen to you, wouldn’t it be reassuring to have a list of your property and photo evidence to prove it? You’ve worked hard for your home and possessions, so take an extra step and create a home inventory.
It’s Easy to Document Your Belongings
Simply photograph, videotape or otherwise document the entire contents of your home or apartment. Remember to snap a photo of the stuff in the trunk of your car too. Store the photos, data files or videotape in a fireproof box. Make a copy for your safe deposit box, if you’ve got one. You’ll be even more prepared if you save receipts or other proof of purchase. You can find an app for this entire process on your smart phone.
It’s easy to believe that nothing will happen to your house. Fire won’t destroy it. Frozen pipes won’t explode. A flood poses no threat. I won’t blame you about being optimistic those crises won’t happen. But, should disaster in one form or another strike, the claims process will be smoother if you can readily provide proof of home contents. Needless to say, we at the Reis Insurance Agency will be with you every step of the way.