Are you happy with your car insurance coverage, but less than enthusiastic about the price you pay for it? Before you jump into the market for a new policy, first read our list of important information regarding Wisconsin car insurance quotes. What you don’t know could cost you hundreds of dollars in unnecessary premiums. Continue reading for more information and to learn important details about car insurance rates here in The Badger State.
City, State and Zip Code – What Location Means for Your Insurance Rates
When you request a quote for Wisconsin car insurance, insurers produce rates based on your individual risk profile. While your vehicle type, personal details and driving history play an important role in this assessment, another factor also contributes to your rates: location.
According to data published by the Insurance Information Institute, Wisconsin drivers are fortunate enough to have some of the lowest average car insurance rates in the country, with an average expenditure of $621 per year in 2013. Delve a little deeper, however, and you may find that rates vary widely within the state itself. For example, the average driver in the 53703 zip code of our state’s Capitol can expect to pay an average of $821 per year compared to those further north in zip code 54552, who pay an average of $930.
Drive a Jeep or Honda? You May Pay Less for Coverage
You may not pick your vehicle based on the price you will pay for insurance coverage, but you should know that some vehicles are less expensive to insure on average than others. According to the Milwaukee, Wisconsin Journal Sentinel, a review of insurance rates for 2014 model vehicles, the Jeep Wrangler Sport, Jeep Patriot Sport and Jeep Compass Sport, as well as the Honda CR-V LX and Honda Odyssey LX were among the least expensive to insure.
Don’t worry if you do not drive one of these vehicles. Many newer and older model cars can be insured rather inexpensively. Insurance companies tend to offer lower rates for vehicles with advanced safety features, positive crash test ratings, low horsepower engines, and safe body styles. They also consider the cost of repair and replacement when generating your rates.
If you happen to drive an expensive luxury vehicle or a sports car, keep in mind that it pays to research your options before choosing an insurance provider. Whereas some insurers may heavily penalize you for the type of vehicle you drive, others may put greater emphasis on your driving record or claims history.
Driving Infractions Matter, but Not How You May Think
Nearly everyone has seen the flashing blue and red lights in their rear view mirrors at some point or another. If you have a driver citation on your record, it may not affect your insurance rates quite the way you would expect. According to CNBC, a rare speeding ticket here and there may do little or nothing to increase your insurance premiums. However, more frequent tickets or citations for DUI and reckless driving, however, are known to raise rates by an average of 82-93 percent.
Here at Reis Insurance is in River Falls, we say never settle for higher car insurance rates without first searching for quotes from multiple providers. Regardless of what may be working against you – age, claims history, a poor credit score or something else – all insurers will evaluate your risk profile differently. Contact us today for more information or to request your free Wisconsin car insurance quotes.