It seems appropriate that we celebrate some of our most important holidays at the end of the year. It’s a time where we can slow down a bit and celebrate our friendships, our family, and our accomplishments of the past year.
With life as busy as it is, it’s important to take stock in everything that you have right now, at this very moment, right in front of you. Spend time with family and recognize the fact that parents won’t be around forever, and kids will grow up and move out before you know it.
Because it’s so easy to get caught-up with “what’s next” on the road to success and happiness, we often don’t take the time to realize that what we’re really looking for is right there in front of us. If you think happiness and success is something down the road, something that you get when you make enough money, loose a few extra pounds, and get out of debt – you’re mistaken. The truth is that a successful life is just a series of successful events, and that a happy life is simply a collection of happy memories. Success and happiness are not a destinations, but rather a journeys, and you’re likely right in the middle of your success and happiness at this very moment.
Do yourself a favor this holiday season and take out your photo albums. Look at the pictures of past holidays with all the ugly sweaters, the good food, and the fun. Most of all notice the people you were with. You may not have known it at the time, but you were as happy then as you’ll ever be.
Do yourself another favor, pull out your camera, and take a lot of pictures and videos of your friends and family this holiday season. Ask your kids, parents or grandparents about their favorite holiday memories. If you do this today, you’ll be happy you did years from now when you look back them and realize how happy and successful you really were back in 2013.
Take the time to celebrate being happy right now.
Happy Holidays from everyone at Reis Insurance