Identity thieves steal personal information for their own profit. Lots of people never learn they’ve been targeted until they get a surprise bill or call from a debt collector. In any case, identity theft can damage your credit and even your reputation. That’s why it is so important to know how to protect yourself.
How to Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft
In today’s digital world, information travels far and fast. The internet has provided cybercriminals with a honeypot they can hack to access such private information as social security and credit card numbers. Of course, these kinds of thieves don’t only operate online. They also collect personal data by phone or even in uncollected physical mail. Both online and offline, you should remain vigilant.
For instance:
- Be extremely careful when somebody asks you for personal information over the phone. Plenty of scammers use automated phone systems to make calls, and when somebody answers, the thieves pretend to represent an official agency, a business, or even a loved one.
- If you plan to leave home on a trip, make arrangements to have your mail collected by a trusted friend or held at the post office. Carefully store or dispose of such personal mail as credit card offers or letters about government benefits and taxes.
- Online, take extra care to ensure you’re dealing with reputable websites. One common scam involves making a duplicate of an official site with a slightly different web address to get people to enter their user ID and password or credit card numbers. Always check twice to make certain you’re on the legitimate website and have a secure connection.
Can You Always Prevent ID Theft?
No matter what you do, you cannot completely protect yourself against hackers and thieves. You have probably read about high-profile identity theft against large retail companies, hospitals, and even credit bureaus. These organizations invested millions in security and still got targeted by clever criminals. Naturally, you should try to protect your information; however, you may consider buying additional protection that can offer you peace of mind.
As a victim of identity theft, you could lose more than money. After you’ve become a victim of identity theft, you also need to invest time to stop the theft from happening again and to repair your credit. You may need to take time from work or away from your children to gather documents and make phone calls. Larger companies usually have fraud departments to assist you. Still, in some cases, you might even need to get your own lawyer.
Understanding Identity Theft Insurance
To truly protect yourself, consider buying identity theft insurance to help you recoup the time and money that you could need to spend to repair your financial and personal identity. Where should you buy ID theft insurance for yourself and your family?
Consider one of these three sources of good ID theft protection:
- You can purchase a standalone policy.
- Your homeowners or renters insurance company may offer you the option to add it to your existing coverage.
- You could shop for home or renters insurance that includes identity theft protection.
In any case, these policies only usually cost a few dollars a year. In return, they will give you the peace of mind of knowing that you can call upon them for help if you need it.
Learn More About Identity Theft Protection
At Reis Insurance, we’re here to answer your questions about identity theft insurance and other types of affordable, high-quality protection. Contact us at Reis Insurance right away to learn more and see how we can help you improve your security and save money.